Baby Blue

 T-Shirt - Cotton On
Shorts - Cotton On
Flannel Shirt - Thrifted

I really love the way baby blue looks with my hair!
I got this shirt because I really liked the colour, but even though it was a cropped shirt I needed to crop it even more because cropped shirts are always too long on me lol. My torso is really short...
Also, i've had this blue flannel shirt for ages; I found it at a thrift store but haven't really worn it much because the colour was kinda boring to me? I was honestly considering donating it to another thrift store or selling it but I decided to try it on with this outfit and it just worked so perfectly. The baby blues really make my hair colour stand out too. So i've decided to keep it and I wear it more often now.

I hope you liked this casual outfit as much as i did and I hope your week is going well xx - Kc


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