In The Garden

 Flannel Shirt - Cotton On
T-Shirt - old
Jeans - Cotton On (old, similar here)
Boots - Dr. Martens

This is just a quick post...
I went heavy on the editing with these pics but i like the vibe. I had also been looking for a purple flannel shirt for years with no luck... Until i found this one when looking in Cotton On with a friend. I was so happy lol, I feel like purple flannels are rare?? And purple is just such a great colour. Oh and these jeans... probably my favourite pair. I love them so much. The acid washed and distressed fabric just add an edginess to any outfit. Also... it looks like I'm wearing a plain white t-shirt, when really i had just turned my Spyro shirt inside out... Haha well it worked didn't it?? I really wanted a plain white shirt for this particular outfit but realized I didn't have one... So i worked with what I had! Not too long after this I ended up getting the plain white shirt I wanted before anyone noticed I have my shirt on inside out...

I'm sure you can tell these are old pictures by the date on them lol.  I remember being so excited to wear jeans and a flannel because the weather had been really cool with some rain after being hot for what seemed like an eternity. Winter was finally starting. I can't wait for it to come back around again...

Hope you have a good one :) - Kc


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